Monday, December 27, 2010

How Big Really?

Enter in your zip code and find out how big something is (environmental disasters, historical events, famous landmarks, and so on) compared to where you live.

The Fib

Fibonacci Poems

Is this actually mathematically cool? Or just a lame crossover attempt?

Twitter's New Design + Golden Ratio

I wonder what else follows this.

Some questions to ask:
-Which design is more pleasing to the eye?
-How do differently-sized computer screens and browser windows effect this layout?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Avoid the monthly fees

Chase will charge you a $12/month fee unless you do some stuff (like use their card or keep a lot of money in your account to fund their bank). "What's the best option?" sounds like an algebra problem in the making! Everything should just be linear, right (assuming you're looking at a constant amount of money coming out of your checking account each month)? Or you could talk about piece-wise functions, especially if you look at keeping a minimum balance.

Such a good question: what does it cost you to keep money in the bank?

Grocery Shrink Ray

Dan Meyer's ideas on groceries...

... all came from The Consumerist website

So many ideas here:
-Obviously, proportional reasoning re: money
-There should be lots with different levels of math. Calc kids can look at oddly shaped bottles.